louis The template is stereo while my files seems always to be in mono. I don't see any control on the panning for each grain nor any random panning spread. I'm I missing something ? Tx Louis
macramole Hi louis If your files stereo they will sound stereo. Each unit has panning controlls you can use. Use several units for achieving something like panning spread, we are not currently supporting that but we will in the next release, I'm missing that feature too
louis Ok, It occurs only in slice mode. Even if my file is stereo, in slice mode, all slices plays back in mono. This said, this is an amazing tool, it works very well, and I'm very excited to follow the progress of it, thank you ! Louis
macramole Thanks Louis. Using the slicer tool I think you work with the left channel only. I'm not sure what happens after you slice and make your map, is it stereo again ?
louis Nope, it stays mono. So the slicer opens a stereo file, but it selects only one channel, is that it? It does show just one channel in the UI, so that make sense. This said, are you telling me that you can open stereo files via the slicer and have stereo sliced result? I don't see any options to change the mono slicer to a stereo slicer. Thanks! Louis
macramole I should check out the code, but I was wondering if although the slicer works in mono, the result is in stereo as the original file. It wouldn't hurt to have that option "Perserve stereo" or something like that.
louis macramole Yea, that would be awesome. Or a panning random spread for each grain would do the trick. Add other units with hard panning seems for now the solution. Thanks Louis
macramole We are designing a feature for the next release that is similar to panning random spread. Additionaly to random, the panning could be related to the XY space, since we can calculate a centroid where a unit is active (i.e the XY center of a sequence, trajectory, particle system or morph) the grains would sound panned depending on the distance to this centroid. This could also be applied to pitch and envelope, always allowing to set the amount of modulation